R: |
One of the alternate access rights that a user may have to an item of information as determined by the Cradle access control mechanism. Read-only access to an item allows the user to view and report the item.
One of the alternate access rights that a user may have to an item of information as determined by the Cradle access control mechanism. Read-write access to an item allows the user to edit and delete the item and to submit it for review within Cradle, in addition to the operations allowed by read-only access.
Record Keyword
Cradle import/export files contain a sequence of records. Each record contains information describing a single item in a project database, or a major component part of such an item. The records in the import/export file are identified to the Cradle import parser code, and are delimited by record keywords. Each record keyword starts and ends with <> characters. Examples include the record keywords <REQUIREMENT> and <FRAME>.
An attribute of a requirement that can be used to record a reference for the requirement or a reference to the origin of the requirement.
See: Regular Expressions
When the review of an item is complete, it can be registered by suitably privileged users. Registering an item changes its ownership (either from the originating user to their team, from team to project, or from an originating user to a project).
Regular Expression
Regular expressions provide a concise and flexible means for identifying strings of text of interest, such as particular characters, words, or patterns of characters. Regular expressions (abbreviated as regex or regexp, with plural forms regexes
Users can reinstate items that have previously been retired.
A user-defined link type used in creating SysML cross reference links.
Relationship Attribute
A user-defined link attribute used in creating SysML cross reference link attributes containing attributes specific to SysML.
Relationship Rules
A fixed set of SysML specific link rules that are used when creating a cross reference link between two stereotype elements.
Allows you to change the identity of an item or hierarchy of items.
A report is an exported table containing a set of query results formatted according to a particular view and table style.
Where information can be stored. Would be synonymous with database if it was not for the corruption introduced into that term by vendors of simple file manipulation software for PCs. The term repository is often used to refer to those databases capable of storing a wide variety of types of information, including text, graphics, pictures, and sound.
Repository Management
The control mechanisms applied to a repository such that its content is complete and consistent. Much of this task can be automated given suitably powerful management software, as exists within Cradle.
Requirements are the unambiguous statements that clearly describe what a system has to do in order to perform a defined operation. Requirements are typically characterised as user requirements or system requirements. User requirements are statements of user need, behaviours required from the system in its intended environment. System requirements are statements of characteristics that the system must possess in order for it to be able to achieve the user needs.
Requirement Diagram - SysML
Used to graphically depict hierarchies of stakeholder needs, requirements and test cases or to depict an individual need/requirement/test case and its relationship to other model elements. Needs, requirements and test cases are created and managed in Cradle's powerful requirements management module and cross reference linked to the SysML modelling elements.
Requirements Capture
The activity of identifying and categorising all requirements for the system that are expressed in the source documents supplied by a customer, which produces a set of formal requirements.
Requirements Engineering
The activity of processing the set of formal system requirements that result from the requirements capture activity so as to produce a set of requirements that are precise, unambiguous, non-contradictory, and testable, and which are therefore the set of requirements which can be contractually committed to.
Requirements Management
The combination of the requirements capture and requirements engineering activities as repeated over time in the development, delivery, and through life support of a system.
A part of an event that defines how the system is to respond to a particular stimulus from the system's environment. The response is held in a RESPONSE frame within the event.
Once items have been registered into a baseline, they can never be deleted (except with ACCESS_BYPASS privilege). Instead, items are retired, which changes their status to Retired and so makes them inaccessible to ordinary users. Retired items do not migrate into new baselines as they are opened and closed.
Reverse Engineering
The activity of producing the deliverables from a previous phase of a project from the results of its next phase. That is, reverse engineering seeks to run a part of the normal system development process backwards. It is a technique normally applied in the context of a system with little or no reliable development documentation where the only description of the system is often simply the system itself.
Reverse History
Reverses only the selected change - e.g. Only the change that is selected will be made to the current item
The Cradle Configuration Management System (CMS) is used to formally review items into project baselines and to make formal changes to these items. Use of the CMS is therefore fundamentally about progressing items through one or more reviews into baselines, and then subsequently making formal changes to these items, which culminate in new versions of the changed items appearing in new baselines.
Rewind History
Rewinds ALL changes back to the selected change - e.g. All the changes that have been made from the current item to the selected historical record.
A User Profile can be saved as a role. Loading a role initialises all parts of a User Profile except for its username and password.
A point through which a diagram connector symbol passes. Up to ten routepoints can be defined for each connector, to allow the connector (such as a Data Flow Diagram (DFD) flow) to be routed amongst the other symbols in a diagram in the desired manner.