E-Mail Verification

3SL E-Mail Policies

Keboard Entry representation - Photo by Thirdman from Pexels

We’ve changed our mail server slightly. Improving the e-mail verification between ourselves and mail recipients.

Sender Policy Framework (SPF), Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM), and Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance (DMARC)  have been around for a while. Here at 3SL, we’ve implemented them on our mail server.


SPF defines which addresses are permitted to send 3SL email.  DKIM adds a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) signature. This verifies and authenticates email as coming from 3SL, showing its not been modified in transit, or faked. DMARC combines SPF and DKIM to authenticate the emails and reports any emails which do not conform.

E-Mail Verification Result

What this means is that all emails claiming to be from 3SL should only be coming from our mail server mail.threesl.com.   This should help stop the occasional 3SL email from ending up filtered off as spam. It should also help identify fake 3SL emails as being unsolicited emails.