20th August – National Radio Day
Individuals/communities can take National Radio Day as an opportunity to appreciate/celebrate what radio means to the world today. Some people might think radio has passed its prime. Although it still acts as a strong force, especially for local communities.
The first person to identify radio waves was a German physicist Heinrich Hertz in 1886. But it took about three decades for a practical receiver to be invented, which was due to the work of Italian inventor, Guglielmo Marconi. Though it started with a Morse code message from just a kilometre away, Marconi paved the way for the future of the types of messages that radio waves could carry.

Cradle can be used to model radio systems, see the Cradle Physical Architecture Diagram (PAD) below which depicts an External Communications Sub-System:

If you are interested in Cradle’s modelling capabilities please send an email to salesdetails@threesl.com.