How do I rearrange items in a hierarchy?

Reorder Item and Their Hierarchies

Hierarchies are seldom created in a single operation. It is more usual for you to create a  hierarchy interactively,  gradually developing the hierarchy item-by-item.  It is also very likely that the hierarchy will need to be reorganised, to reorder items as it is being built, for example:

  • To add a new top-level item into the hierarchy and move existing items below it
  • Move individual items to a different position in the hierarchy
  • Move sub-trees in the hierarchy upwards, downwards, or to any other new position

We term this process of rearranging “reordering”. Cradle fully supports reordering using drag and drop.

To enable this feature:

  • Items must be of the same type (system notes or requirements)
  • Auto-numbering must be selected for the item
  • Items must allow hierarchical numbering using Key
  • CREATE_XREF and DELETE_XREF privileges needed
  • Set the preference  “Allow drag and drop in same tree”
  • A navigation that sorts by Key
Reorder items
Reorder items

Why we use hierarchies

Hierarchies are useful to show the users of a project a view of the Top level item and all its branches, and with Cradle it is easy to join many hierarchies into one, you can create a new top-level item and connect hierarchies to it.

For further information on reordering please head over to our online help.

Article Updated 04/02/2019 – Added why we use hierarchies