Why are there different groups of queries?

Cradle Definitions are Grouped

There are seven main groups into which Cradle definitions can be filed. These are common for each type of definition, say a view or a query.

  1. Personal – These are available to the Operating System User whichever project they are logged into – ‘Peter’ may be the ‘admin‘ on one project and the ‘design manager‘ on another but will be able to see this definition whichever he logs into. This only makes sense if the item types are the same in both or the definition is very generic showing say ID and Status, common to all.
  2. User – These are based on the Cradle User name and are available to that role name on every project. On three different projects the role QA manager may be held by three different people.  Definitions here would be available to anyone logging in as QA manager.
  3. Team – Definitions here are available to anyone in the same Cradle team on a particular project.
  4. User Type  – Users can be grouped by type within a project and this allows definitions to be shown to users of a matching type.
  5. Project – These are queries available to anyone on that particular project
  6. Automatic – Each time a new item type is added, Cradle generates a set of useful definitions to help you get started. These are idea to open tweak and ‘Save As’ to match your personal preferences. They are also useful if you want to write a phase or reference a view in a query as these standard definitions will exist without you having to create them.
  7. System – Some hard wired definitions covering the minimum shipped functionality in Cradle.
Query Definition Groups
Query Definition Groups

To read more about definitions, see Help on Definition Files

Article updated 05/12/2018 – Cleaned up image