We are pleased to announce the release of Cradle-7.6

Cradle-7.6 is available now for download from the downloads section of the 3SL website. This is the latest version of Cradle.
3SL customers with active maintenance have been sent an e-mail notification, and details of which of their enhancement requests and bug reports are included in this new release. This is a significant Cradle release that increments the Cradle minor version number from 7.5 to 7.6. This means that the Security Codes for Cradle-7.5 will not work with this new Cradle-7.6 release. Therefore, if you want to upgrade to the new Cradle-7.6 then you must contact 3SL Support and request a new Cradle-7.6 Security Code since your existing Cradle-7.5 Security Codes will not work with this new release.
New Cradle-7.6 Capabilities
This release contains a range of new capabilities, including major new modules RISK and TEST for risk management and test execution and management, respectively – these are charged for separately – and a collection of enhancements and bugs for the existing Cradle components:
New Modules
- Risk Management
- Risk management is an activity undertaken, to a greater or lesser extent, by almost every organisation. It is fundamentally concerned with identifying events which, if they occur, would have a positive or negative effect on an organisation or project.
- Test Execution
- Test execution and recording is generic testing of a system by people who are prompted to perform a series of steps and indicate the result of each of these steps, together with some text and image notes.
New Features
- Linux Installer
- Install process enhanced to improve installation experience and application launching shortcuts added to improve
Cradle integration
- Install process enhanced to improve installation experience and application launching shortcuts added to improve
- Project Setup
- Ability to hide unused item types from the WorkBench and Web Access user interfaces
- User Preferences
- New text size options now available
- Quick Access Bar
- Add Project queries to Quick Access Bar
- Configuration Management
- Ability to Approve All and Reject All from the Review tab
- Ability to Register All from the Review tab
- Systems Modelling
- Categories can be chosen in Project Setup to colour item type symbols on a diagram
- Option to initialise Project Setup with SysML related elements. There is also an option to clear SysML related elements.
- External Commands
- Two external commands added for item re-versioned and cross reference baselined.
Performance Enhancements
We have made a number of low-level, internal, changes deep inside the Cradle code that reduce the number of interactions between Cradle clients and the database. This will reduce the time that Cradle takes to perform a variety of common operations. The effect will be more noticeable the longer the time between your Cradle clients and the Cradle Database Server (CDS). Separately, we have made some fundamental improvements in the way that Cradle interacts with Oracle and MySQL RDBMSs so that those customers who store their Cradle databases in either Oracle or MySQL will see a particularly dramatic performance improvement.
Operations that will be noticeably faster include:
- Displaying sets of top-level items or bottom-level items in the Project and Phase sidebars
- Querying using levels
- Handling cross references
- Importing information
- Indexing and frame handling in ODBC
- Reduced PDB access when sending alerts
You must contact 3SL for new Security Code(s) for Cradle-7.6. Cradle-7.6 will not accept Security Codes from Cradle-7.5 or any previous release.
Cradle clients (WorkBench, Web Access, Document Publisher for instance) and server (Cradle CDS) versions can not be mixed. Therefore, you must upgrade all Cradle installations to 7.6.
Cradle-7.6 databases do not have the same format as Cradle-7.5 databases. Hence the Cradle-7.6 release includes a database converter for the transition from Cradle-7.5 to Cradle-7.6. Full details are available in the 7.6 release notes, and updated manuals in addition you can always contact support@threesl.com .
Single User Products
Please note that there are no maintenance services for single-user Cradle products. Therefore, if you have purchased any of the single-user Cradle-7.5 products:
- Cradle-RM Desktop
- Cradle-RM Pro
- Cradle-SE Desktop
- Cradle-SE Pro
then you will not be able to request a new Cradle-7.6 Security Code. If you want to update your single-user Cradle system to the new Cradle-7.6 release, then you must buy the new Cradle-7.6 release.
Help with Cradle-7.6
In conclusion, we’re pleased with the new capabilities in Cradle-7.6 most importantly hope you will benefit by upgrading. If you are not already a customer and would like more information about Cradle, you can download the software and a free evaluation licence, find more on our website, or request a webinar. If you would like to read some independent reviews feel free to use your favourite search engine or take a look at Capterra.
Article Updated
02/01/2021 – Additional information regarding changes and clarification for single user products.
08/02/2021 – Typo. Added link to special discount offer 7.5 – 7.6 Single user products