Happy Saint George’s Day 2017

Happy St George’s Day

Wishing all our customers, suppliers and followers a Happy Saint George’s Day 2017 from 3SL.

UML Activity Diagram

In a UML model, the static representation of the system is a set of Class Diagrams (CD). Each class may have an associated Activity Diagram (ACD) to show the internal behaviour and/or algorithm for the class.

ACDs can also be drawn at any level in the UML model, to represent time sequenced behaviour at any level. The activities in the ACDs are intrinsically shareable, such that any given activity can appear on more than one ACD.

Depicting the legend of St George in an ACD
St. George as a UML Activity Diagram (ACD)

OK, we accept there may be a bit of poetic licence going on in this diagram, but it still shows how activity within a class can be represented. If you ever want a reminder of the legend of St. George it may be handy. For more information see the Cradle help section for ACD