Frequent Commands – A Tip

Over and over and over again

If you frequently run the same item commands, or you want to guide users to use a particular subset of commands, add them to the Cradle ‘View’. These are termed “View commands”.

When defining a Cradle Views, you can add commands to appear at the ‘Item icon’. When the view is run this enables different users to be guided to commands for their role in the project. Combined with a phase and they can, run the appropriate query and they can get straight into creating children, linked items, updating link details, or whatever is appropriate for their role. Spending a little while now, arranging the process steps for your users can give a significant gain in productivity.

Using View Commands
View Commands

For more information on creating views and view commands you may find this Cradle help article useful.

Article updated 17/09/2018 – Added link to Cradle online help

Shippable Version of your Project

Read-only Copies of your Project

Want to ship a read-only copy of your project to a Customer or Supplier?

Making project output available as web pages
Web Publisher Output

Use Web Publisher to create a hyper-linked output of your project. This can be copied onto a pen-drive, CD, Intranet and sent to your customer. They don’t have to have Cradle to see your work on the project, just an html browser. Of course we would suggest that they get a copy of Cradle for themselves and then they load the project items and query, publish, alter and necessary, but we know that’s not always practicable.

You can limit what an end user will see by selecting various options. This could be either one item type or All the items types within the project. You can then give the hyper-linked project an owner and select a location of where the files are to be sent.

If you require any more information on Web Publisher then you can find this within our Cradle help. Please click the link.

Article updated 05/12/2018 – Added information about restricting items published

Copy a Schema


Having developed a schema, added item types, defined workflows, tailored categories to your process, a new project starts. The last thing you want to do is start from scratch defining the it all over again.


If you have a really useful setup that you want to reuse in a new project then simply “drag’n’drop” it in Project Manager. Log into the projects with a user with privilege to import project settings and then drag the schema from the developed project to your new project. The alternative would be to export just the project schema from your original project and then import it into the new project. Whatever you do, you don’t need to start typing and clicking to create a new project setup.

Project Manager copy schema
Copy a Project Schema

Reporting on a Project Schema

Choose the elements of the schema report most suitable
Schema Report Details

In order to see the Project Schema in a tabular form, log into the project from Project Manager and simply select the Schema in the tree. Pressing the Publish button will output this as a report. If you want finder granularity of what shows in the report open WorkBench and run the Standard Report “Project  Schema” from the Publish->Reports tab.

Article Updated: 01/06/2018 – reporting

Multi Language Interface for Requirements Management

Requirements Management, Anforderungsverwaltung, Gestion Exigences,
요구사항 관리, Rheolaeth Anghenion, Управление требованиями, 需求管理

Cradle in many languages
Multi Language Interface

However you want to say Requirements Management you can in Cradle’s multi language UI.

Cradle is currently available in eight different languages. If yours isn’t included speak to us about your needs, or add to the translations yourself.

Message Catalogue Manager

The Message Catalogue Manager (MCM) is provided to allow customers to add their own translations or regionalisation.  See the article below.

A new feature in Cradle 7.4 allows you to export the catalogue in XLIFF format, translate it externally and then re-import it .

Article Updated: 31/05/2018 – XLIFF
Article Updated: 17/09/2018 – Fixed grammar

Item Information


Your chosen Cradle ‘Form’ or ‘View’ is not showing the item category you want to see.  It may be that you select a different form, if one has been defined showing the item information you want. You could also select one of the automatically generated forms that contains the category or redefine the one you already have. However, this is not always possible as the user may not have the correct privileges. The CREATE_DEFS privilege is required to allow them to change it. All this may just be over the top for a quick peek at a value.


Select ‘Information’ from the ‘Item’ ribbon for a quick view of all the details for the selected item.

The Item Information dialog can be used to view categories, item attributes, dates, calculations and even the logic matches in a rule set.

Item Information Dialo
Item Information Dialog

For more information on how to display the Item Information dialog you may find this Cradle help article useful.

Article updated 17/09/2018 – Added lnk to Cradle online help


Cradle Preferences: Controlling the tool to suit your needs.

“I want to see the Dashboard when I log in” Says the Manager

“I want to see the Modelling sidebar” Says the Engineer

Set everything just how you want it in Cradle. Tailor and save your individual preferences for whenever you log into any project.

Setting user preferences
User Preferences

Cradle is delivered with a set of default preference settings. These can be altered by the system administrator by editing the system configuration files. However, these preferences may not suit everyone. Two people working on the same project may legitimately have different formats for time and date as they are based in different countries. Edited user preferences are applied on top of the system settings giving two layers of control, defaults set by the installation, tweaks set by users. To read more see the Cradle help on preferences

The Quick Access Bar

The QAB (Quick Access Bar) bar at the bottom of the screen shows your most used queries. It can be configured to show the item types most relevant to you.


The way your diagrams look and the information shown on the screen can be tailored with Diagrams setting.

What Opens What?

By changing the details of the Applications listed in the preferences, you can control the software used to open a particular file type. If you have a favourite RTF viewer, say,  that you want to use to show published queries, you can set the value here.

setting the application preferences in Cradle
Application Preferences

What’s the Time Mr Wolf?

How your display show the time and date are also set by the user preferences.
Internally information is held in UTC, but as a result of altering preference settings, you can show this to suit your locale.

All in an .ini

A users local preferences and the global preferences set for your company are held in configuration files. These are detailed in this article.

Everything within this post can be found within our Cradle online help, with in depth instructions and guides. You can also find other options that are available within preferences.

Article Updated 22/05/2018
Article Updated 17/09/2018 – Added links to Cradle online help

Editing Dates in Cradle – A Tip

Editing dates in Cradle can be useful. You may want to change the default date format, or it could be you need to bring a review date forward for selected items. In this article I will explain how you can do this, including tips which may help.


Cradle allows attributes to be defined as dates. These dates are stored by default using the format yyyy/mm/dd in the database.  However, you can control how dates are displayed, for example as: dd/mm/yy or as mm/dd/yy. Date fields are displayed with a ‘date chooser‘ that displays a calendar that you can use to change months and select days.

If you enter a date before 2000, such as: 23/09/95 then you cannot enter a year number such as: 07 to mean 2007. Similarly, if you enter a date with a year such as 16, then this will be interpreted to be 2016 and you cannot manually enter a year such as 99 to mean 1999.

Editing Tips

Date picker in Cradle
Date Picker
  • When you select a date field, the day, month and year components of a date can be selected individually
  • The cursor up and cursor down fields can be used to change a day, month or year by one, moving forwards and backwards, and you can move through 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001
  • TAB can be used to move forward through the components of a date field
  • You can press CTRL-TAB to move backwards through the components of a date field
  • You can also use the ‘date chooser’ at any time

The ability to use the cursor keys and TAB and CTRL-TAB may be helpful.

Display Preferences

To set your choice of date display, open the User Preferences -> UI Control  and select in Date and Time Display.

How to select the date display preferences
Date Preferences

The Preferences dialog lets you control settings that are used to customise your WorkBench environment and set default options. For more information you can take a look at this cradle help article.

Article updated 17/09/2018 – Added introduction

Disabling Old Cradle Add-In from Excel

If you have upgraded from Cradle-6.8 – when we had an add-in for Excel – to Cradle-7.0, then you will have seen the new, and consierably more capable, capture utility. This new capture utility is shown in a Cradle tab in the Excel ribbon.

If the old Add-Ins tab is still visible, then you can remove it. This may be part of your personal Excel setup and so is in your Windows profile and hence is not something that our installer can change.

To remove the Add-Ins tab from Excel (if you see it):

1. Start Excel
2. Right click anywhere in the ribbon and choose ‘customise ribbon’
3. On the right hand side of the dialog, de-select the ‘Add-Ins’ tab (you can check that it is empty!)
4. Click OK

Image showing the cusomize ribbon window in excel
Customize ribbon dialog

We hope that this helps!

Article updated 13/09/2018 – Added image