Teaching Requirements Management and Systems Engineering to Tomorrow’s Engineers

Academic Discount – 3SL Supporting UK Engineering

Get Students – ‘Industry Ready’ Designers

3SL are the Proud Suppliers of Cradle, and recognise the importance to good engineering. We also recognise that when students move into industry it is important that they have the skills necessary to make an impact and hit the ground running.  This is why we are offering copies of our Requirements Management and Systems Engineering tool at a vastly reduced cost under a special academic discount.

Laptop, pencil, paper, notes
System Design

We would like to give your students the ability to use industry leading MBSE (Model Based Systems Engineering) tools in Functional Analysis and Design such as Yourdon, or  SysML  (Systems Modelling Language). These link together with the  requirements, constraints, risks and test-cases to produce a fully holistic design. This process is understood by engineers worldwide. Cradle is a fully tailorable cradle-to-grave design management tool.

Cradle Enterprise a Full Multi-user Multi-discipline Design Tool

Whilst you can purchase copies of Cradle that support many aspects of the engineering lifecycle for as little as £249 per seat,  these are not multi user and have some restrictions. In order to collaborate and teach and make use of all the features users would generally install an Enterprise system. They would then licence each of the features they use for their business. Whilst these licences are fully floating, the users share some resources reducing their costs.

Massive Discount –  Save Over £20,000

five pound notes

We would like to offer any academic department who wish to teach Requirements Management or Systems Engineering techniques to their students ten FREE sets of licences for EVERY module in Cradle. This discount for 10 academic licences gives you a product normally costing approximately £22,200 pounds* All we ask is you pay an annual maintenance cost of £1K.


You can download a trial version of Cradle here. This will give you a 14 day trial. You can request further details about Cradle by contacting salesdetails@threesl.com You can book a Webinar through our website here.

Terms And Conditions

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